9 Bathroom Phone Apps You would Never Believe Existed


9 Bathroom Phone Apps You would Never Believe Existed

Your cell phone has got a whole lot more than you can imagine. Here are 9 bathroom phone apps  you would never believe existed.

1.Toothbrush timer app

Finally we have reached the age where we need a cell phone to tell us how long and where all to brush. This brushing phone application signals you towards the part of your mouth you yet need to move the brush into through sounds and signals.

2.Bathroom finder

Found yourself in a need to find a loo? Well, this android app helps to find it anywhere-any time around you.

3.Sit & Squat

So Foursquare is not the only place to put your reviews on. First a toilet finder and then a toilet reviewer, this mobile application by Charmain Toilet Paper makers allows you to award a ‘sit’ to the bathrooms that are clean enough and a ‘squat’ to others. This bathroom app is available in Android, iphone, ipod and ipad.

4.Brush DJ

Can you even imagine having a music library dedicated to your 2 minutes of brushing time? Well, this DJ Mobile Application scratches only while you are cleaning your teeth. It also provides a reminder setting to change your brush in every 3 months, brush twice a day, when you next need to visit a dentist etc.

5. Pepi Bath

Finally technology has found a way to convince your kids easily into bathing. This gaming app is a fun way to make children learn about hygiene in a fun way.

6.Potty Time

And the technology has may be pushed it too far- from bathing to pooping, it does it all for you. This amazing Potty phone app held you into potty training for your kids. Try it out; it may poop a great way, oops! I mean pop a great way to deal with the douse.

7.Help me pee

Who ever imagined that one may require to learn pissing at first place and then to pay $0.99 cents for it? One of the best bathroom phone apps on this list that assists you doing your business by adding faucet sound to waterfall sound to its special effects.

8.Healthy color of pee

This is the most of what you can receive from your cell phone. This apps indicates you if you must have more water by detecting the color of your pee. What exactly a doctor does is now possible by this awesome android phone application.

9.Fake Shower

So you have found yourself a great toilet, have got a lot to download but the embarrassing farts and dunking keeping you away from giving it your best shot- since someone on the other side of the door may have to fend you out frowning. Use the fake shower app to avoid the boo-boo and reaching the faucet every time.

From scanning your teeth to pissing guidelines, people have got digital even for the bathroom businesses, then why not take your real business online? At The Branding Moguls we provide Mobile Application building and management solutions.

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