3 Simple Secrets You May Not be Using for Facebook Marketing

3 Simple Secrets You May Not be Using for Facebook Marketing

Whatever work we do, we look for appreciation and feedback from others to keep continuing and improving the work we do. That’s a basic human nature and the same psychology works behind the “Like Button” of Facebook; one of the strongest social media community.

It has become impossible to remain untouched by the social networking potential Facebook brings to our lives. From individuals posting photos and statuses to Businesses showing their products/services all revolves around a single parameter and that is the LIKE.

So everyone likes the LIKE, but how to get the most of them. Here, I am sharing few tips with their importance which you can use in your webpage’s.

1. The Facebook Like Button:

All the people around knows what the Like Button is, but most of them haven’t fully utilized the statistics the like can provide us. Most people don’t know that the Like button on the website creates a hidden administrative Facebook page. With the help of a web developer, businesses can track activities of people who have liked specific content on your site. We can also place a tracking code to track from where exactly has visitor arrived to our page.

2. Facebook Login:

Of-course 90 percent of site visitors won’t be using Facebook login on your site, but the good part for those who do login is- whenever a visitor returns to your site who is already log in on Facebook- you will have access to all his updated Facebook interests and information.

3. FB News Feed Optimization:

News Feed Optimization (NFO) also called Edgerank is Facebook’s internal search engine optimization. This algorithm keeps a track on how prominently a liked or shared item appears in other user’s news feed. It keeps a track of how much the content was commented/interacted, frequency of likes and shares, etc.

Although it is not sure how exactly this Edgerank works, but no doubt it is smarter and more capable of what we think it is. Action needed- encourage visitors to like and comment and return again to like and continue interaction so that it appears on that user’s top news feed and may also display on other users and friends feed for a possible visitor.

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